Recursion is an important concept to understand when learning about data structures and algorithms. It describes a process where a function calls itself directly or indirectly. To better understand how recursion works with data structures, we must first define each term.
Data structures are the way in which information is organized and stored. This includes arrays, linked lists, binary trees, and many more, all of which are used to store information efficiently. Algorithms are processes which use data structures to accomplish tasks such as searching, sorting, etc.
So how exactly do we use recursion in data structure algorithms? Recursion can be used in any algorithm that needs to traverse a data structure such as searching a tree or sorting an array. In order to do this, we first need to define what a recursive function is: it is any function that calls itself either directly or indirectly.
Once we understand the concept of recursion in programming, it’s easier to see how it applies to data structure algorithms. In order for an algorithm to access all the items in a data structure, it has to travel through each item until it reaches its destination. When using recursion, we only have to set up one method of traversal instead of multiple methods for different types of trees or arrays since the same code base can be reused on any type of tree/array and still get the same result.
It is not always necessary for every algorithm that uses a data structure to include recursion but many examples can be found where its use significantly simplifies programming logic and makes it easier for developers to read and maintain code since there’s only one method being used instead of multiple ones for different types of trees/
Source: What do you mean by recursion in Data Structure?
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